I am wrapping up the end of a wonderful spring break spent with my girls. Getting to spend so much time with them just makes it so much harder to return to work tomorrow. I am really going to miss them...maybe even more than when I first went back!
Lilly now weighs 10 lb, 1 oz, and Elzi weighs 8 lb, 15 oz. They are doing so much more now than the last time I posted. They have started smiling A LOT. They especially love to smile in the morning. They will just lay in the crib, look around, and smile the biggest, cutest, open-mouthed smiles you have ever seen. This started last weekend when we spent about 5 days at Grandma and Grandpa Harris' house. I think they really enjoyed the new crib there and the yellow room.
They have also begun to make a lot of sounds. I like to say that they are babbling and laughing, although I am not quite sure if that is technically what they are doing. I may just be a proud parent who is exaggerating a little.
Of course, my favorite new thing they started doing a few weeks ago is sleeping through the night. That's right, you read that correctly, my 4 month-olds (2 month-olds, adjusted age) are sleeping through the night! I'm not even talking 5-6 hours. They normally sleep 8 hours straight! There is the occasional 6 hour stretch, but they usually go to bed around 7:30 or 8:00 and sleep until around 3 or 4. Since I am fully taking advantage of the first few hours they are asleep to get chores done, I am still lacking a little in the sleep department, but Ben is getting a full night's rest as we have dropped the midnight bottle and are now doing breast on demand all night. Don't worry, I fully intend to hold the imbalance in sleep over his head anytime it is necessary. I must say, we are much happier to both be getting close to our regular 8 hours, even if mine comes in a few chunks.
We are still working on coordinating naps during the day as the girls tend to stagger their sleeping times so that one is always awake. It is like living with a baby who never sleeps. By some small miracle, they are both sleeping right now, allowing me to have time to write this update. Hopefully, by next month our sleep schedule will be locked in and all will be happy and rested!

Easter at Grandma & Grandpa Harris'
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