So, I know it has been a while since I gave an update, but I'm trying. My friend, Amy, recommended that I update the blog on the girls' monthly birthdays, so I'm going to shoot for that. I realize that I am overdue this month, so let me try to catch up.
Everyone is doing great. I am still counting down the weeks until summer (10 more) when I don't have to be away from my girls. We still adore our nanny, especially the girls. They love when she reads and sings to them. Yesterday they all got in some good cuddle time as the girls just wanted to be held all day.
Elzi is now close to 7 pounds, 14 1/2 ounces and Lilly is 9 pounds! They have outgrown all of their preemie stuff and are now in newborn clothes and size 1 diapers. They are getting so big! They are still eating about every 3 hours at night which means we are still a bit sleep deprived. However, one night last week they slept for 6 hours straight, so there is hope in sight.
We have taken a few trips this past month, one to Morganton to visit the grandparents and to meet Great Grandma, and one to Charlotte to visit Uncle Ben and (soon-to-be) Aunt Leslie. The girls ride well in the car. As long as they are fed before we leave, they usually sleep almost the whole way.
Nana and Papa (Buchanan) have been to visit once, and Grandma and Grandpa (Harris) have been a few times. Since these are Grandma and Grandpa's first grandchildren they just can't get enough, and threaten to take one of the girls home with them each time they visit. They gave us a disk of pictures from the past 3 months. The link is below. It is AMAZING how far we have come!
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