If anyone is still keeping up with my sorely neglected blog, I thank you. The girls are doing great, and mommy is now home with them for the summer. We reached a big milestone yesterday as the girls turned 6-months-old!
Elzi is almost 12 pounds, and Lilly is about 13 pounds. They began eating baby food a few weeks ago. So far, we have tried apples, bananas, pears, sweet potatoes, and green beans. All have been successful with the exception of the green beans, but we are working on that.
Both girls are smiling A LOT. Lilly has also discovered how her tongue works. She is constantly sticking it out and moving it around. Both girls are working on rolling over. Lilly is pretty good at making it from her back to her belly. In fact, last night I heard her crying, and when I went to check on her, she had made it onto her belly and had her face all the way in the top corner of the crib. I guess its a good thing we removed the bumper!
We are still waiting for a little more hair, and it looks like the bottom teeth could pop up any day now, but our favorite new development is the ability to laugh. It does not happen very often. Elzi has done it twice. Once for the nanny and once at church. We have no idea why she found the lady at church so funny, but we would LOVE to hear that laugh again. Lilly has also laughed a few times, and I was quick enough to get the camera. Of course we repeat whatever it is that makes them laugh, so please pardon my obnoxious bellowing. Enjoy!
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