Well, the girls are one week old today, so I have a week's work of updates to fit into one post. I will try to be brief, as it will soon be time to pump again.
Ben and the grandparents were able to visit the girls in the NICU a few hours after they were born. They took some pictures to show me when they returned to my room. They explained that both girls were breathing room air, but Elzi had a little tent over her head to help her.
I was finally able to go down and see them around 9 PM that night when I was able to get out of bed and into a wheelchair. Lillian was in a crib with a warmer over it, and Elzi was in an isolette. They were both breathing on their own, and I got to hold each of them. It was sooo wonderful!!
I began pumping on Wednesday night, so that the girls could be fed breastmilk through a tube. Their tubes run through their noses and into their tummies. We visited them a few times on Thursday, and they were both doing fine. We were told that Lilly would probably move to the Transitional Care Nursery (TCN) the next day, and they hoped Elzi would soon follow.
When I went down on Friday, expecting to visit Lillian in the TCN and Elzi in the NICU, I was told that both girls were in the TCN. That was very exciting, as the TCN was described to us as the place where babies just practice breathing, eating, and growing until they go home.
While they have been in the TCN, both girls have received phototherapy to break down their bilirubin and prevent them from developing jaundice. Lilly spent a few days under her bili light, or "Lilly light," as Ben refers to it, while Elzi only needed it for a day. Both are now finished with their lights.

Lilly and her "Lilly light"...super blonde hair...and adorable butt crack
Yesterday, the doctor told me that they wanted to transfer the girls to the Special Care Nursery at Durham Regional Hospital. We would love for them to be moved as they would be closer to home and parking is a nightmare at Duke. However, Lilly has been having some trouble tolerating her feeds. She has not been fully digesting her food. They have run tests to determine that this problem is simply due to her prematurity and is not uncommon. However, we are waiting for her to tolerate her feeds before the girls will be moved.
Lilly is now taking some of her feeds by bottle, when she is not too sleepy. Today, she has been moved into a "crib" (without a warmer) since she is doing a good job of regulating her body temperature on her own. She was even wearing clothes today! I am hoping to get her into a Christmas outfit tomorrow.

Daddy feeding Lilly her bottle
Lilly in her new crib on Christmas Eve
Elzi is still in her isolette, but was moved into Lilly's room. Now they are side-by-side which makes visits much easier. Elzi has been gaining weight, but is still working on her temperature. Ben got to give her a bath today with the guidance of the nurse. He loved it!

Daddy's first baby bath with Elzi
Elzi warming up after her bath
...so much for being brief ; )
Daddy's First Bath with wiggle worm Elzi...and his video editing of the event