I went in yesterday for my regular two week visit. I saw another female doctor. (They like for you to become familiar with all doctors in the practice in case yours is not available when you deliver.) She asked me if I was having any problems or had any questions. I told her that everything was fine, and that we were just real anxious to know the sex. Her response was, "well, you've got an ultrasound appointment next week, right. Hopefully, you will be able to see then." She joked about how we had two chances to find out, since we only need to see the sex of one to know what they both are. I was disappointed by this response but quickly got over it when I saw that both babies were doing well.
She wheeled in the portable ultrasound machine and said that we would check on the heartbeats. Both babies were moving around and both hearts were beating strongly. It was good, as always, to have the reassurance that both babies are still healthy and doing well. My appointment was over within 15 minutes. I guess these short visits are a good thing. It is nice to have the biweekly reassurance that everything is okay.
...and in MY body news, it appears my belly has finally popped. I am finally looking pregnant and not just fat. Below are pictures of my belly last week (at 15 weeks) and this week (16 weeks). Big difference for just one week!

1 comment:
OH MY GOSH!! THAT'S ONE WEEK?!! my little Amers is so preggers! I love it.
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