It has been about 4 weeks since my last growth ultrasound, but I had another this morning. Both babies are doing really well. They each scored 8 out of 8 on their BPP (biophysical profile), meaning they are moving really well, practicing breathing, and their heartbeats look good. They have also grown quite a bit since the last scan.
Baby A, Lillian, is now about 3 pounds, 3 ounces. This is a good size for a singleton her age, so I am thrilled! Baby B, Elzi, is about 2 pounds, 5 ounces. This means she is about 2 weeks behind now, but that is not too bad since she was also behind last time. She has gained almost a pound in the last 4 weeks, so that is pretty good. The ultrasound tech told me about another mother who had twins at 32 weeks where one was a pound heavier than the other. She said that they were fine.
Ideally, I think would like for Elzi to be at least 3 pounds when she is born. I guess she's got about 2 weeks to continue to grow, so hopefully she will bulk up in that time. She will undoubtedly be smaller than her sister, but at least we will be able to tell them apart!
Here's a picture of happy, little Lilly. Elzi's face is too burried to see, but since they are identical, we know she looks the same!

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