1. If everything is normal (no protein in the urine) I may be able to go home tomorrow.
2. If I am preeclamptic, they will keep me in the hospital and monitor me until the babies are born at 32 weeks.
3. If I am preeclamptic and anything changes, i.e. blood pressure spike, they will deliver me right away.
The good news is, my family came to visit me today. A church from Raleigh provided Thanksgiving dinner for the 5th floor and their families. My nurse created a "pregnant lady parade," and we all got wheeled over the the children's area to get plates to bring back to our rooms. The food was great! My parents, my brother, his finance, Ben, and I all ate our Thanksgiving dinners in my room. It was not the ideal situation, but at least we all got to eat together.
The babies have had two good NST's today, and I have had very few contractions. Despite the fact that I am still in the hospital, I am feeling pretty good. We will see what tomorrow brings!

BTW...here is my 28 week picture from last week
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