I have learned so much about you this year. You have gone from being my little baby to a little person. When I look at pictures of you from the hospital, I just can't believe how tiny you were. This year you finally made the growth chart and, other than pants, you are wearing 24 months or 2T in all your clothes! Much of this is probably due to the fact that you normally finish all of your food and often finish Elzi's left-overs, too.
Your speech has improved so much this year. Now you are consistently using two-syllable words and even sentences! One of your favorite words is Elzi. You like it, and use it, so much that you think it is your name, as well.
You are such a wonderful sister. You are always concerned with where Elzi is and what she is doing. You will not only get your water bottle when you are thirsty, but you will take Elzi's to her, as well. One of your favorite things to do is to "hop on" each other's backs. Elzi often sits behind you in the tub, hugs you, and you wrap her legs around you and you slide forward taking her for a ride.
You are so active and brave. You love to climb to the top of the slides at bouncy places and slide down all on your own. We were so surprised the first time you did it as you had previously been the more cautious one. Fortunately, your courage has only resulted in one unintended mishap. When you tripped going up the brick steps, you only cried for a few seconds after chipping your front tooth. We are hoping that you will become more cautious by the time your permanent teeth come in :)
It is so hard to believe that you have been a daily part of our lives for two years, yet I cannot remember what it felt like to live without you. I know that you are going to develop even more this year, and I look forward to seeing what the third year has to bring.
I love you so much!
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