Because they were unable to control their own body temperature, the girls first beds helped them to do so. Lillian's bed was beneath a heating lamp, and Elzi slept in an isolette.
Both girls received a few days of photo therapy to prevent jaundice. Elzi had a blue lamp that shown through her isolette, and Lillian had a super bright UV lamp above her bed. We thought she looked like she was laying on the beach.
On Christmas Eve, 2008, Lilly was given the opportunity to show that she could regulate her temperature on her own in a regular bassinet. She even got to wear clothes for the first time. However, she was only in her new bed for about a day before they put her back under the lamp. Meanwhile, Elzi enjoyed being naked in her nice warm isolette.
A few days later, both girls began wearing clothes on a regular basis.
On December 30th the girls were moved to Durham Regional and began sleeping in bassinets, regulating their own temperatures.
At last, on January 13th, Elzi and Lillian moved into the same crib. They shared this crib until Lillian went home January 21st.
When Elzi came home the next night, the girls began sharing a crib in their bedroom at home.
Of course, along the way there have been naps with Daddy...
naps in swings...
naps in car seats...
and even naps sitting up in Bumbos and high chairs!
Around August, when the girls were about 7 months old and rolling everywhere, the girls moved into their own cribs where they now do all of their sleeping.