We had a great Labor Day weekend. Yesterday was the first day (I think) that the girls have stayed dry all day. We even went out to the grocery store in training pants (not pull-ups). Speaking of pull-ups, both girls also woke up from nap with dry pull-ups. We came very close to staying dry on Saturday, as well. Our only accident was when Elzi told us she had to go to the potty just as we were getting out of the car to go into the museum. Of course, by the time we made it inside, she had wet her shorts. Who could blame her?
Our trip to the grocery store was our most tolerable yet. I only had to tell the girls to sit down in the last few minutes of the trip. All it took was the promise of a ride on Harry the dragon (at Harris Teeter) to get the girls to stay seated. They were so excited to ride Harry. Lillian went first and stayed on for about 3 seconds before requesting to get off. Elzi lasted about the same length of time when it was her turn. Regardless, they were very excited about having rode Harry and told Daddy about it when we got home.
Today we had our first movie theater experience. We took the girls to the $1.50 theater in Raleigh to see "Winnie the Pooh." Elzi stayed in her seat and Lillian on my lap enjoying their popcorn for most of the movie. It was not until about 55 minutes into the 1 hour movie that the girls started to get antsy. I can't believe we actually made it to the credits! Besides Elzi's ridiculous new laugh which she used frequently, albeit appropriately, they were remarkably quiet and well behaved. I was so proud. What a great weekend of firsts!