I can't believe my tiny little girl is two. You have developed so much this year, you amaze me on a daily basis. I have seen your personality change tremendously this year.
You used to be incredibly active, and of course, you still are. However, you have developed quite another side since being the mobile fetus that the nurses could never find on the monitors. One of your favorite things to do is color. You will often sit for up to half and hour at a time coloring in coloring books or drawing on blank paper. You are still working on learning your colors, but blue and green are your usual requests.
You are still as independent as you have always been. You rarely give a thought to what anyone else is doing. You do what you want when you want. Taking your shoes and socks off in the car has become a frequent occurrence, which often leads to Lillian following suit. I can tell that you are going to be a leader.
One of the things that surprised us this year was that although still very active, you have become more cautious. For a few months one of your favorite words was "scared." We are still not sure if you understood what it meant, but you used it a lot. You also surprised us when you climbed to the top of the bouncy slide but refused to slide down. Although we were surprised by this measure of caution, we are also a bit relieved and hope that you continue to be careful in the future.
Life with our family of four just seems to get better every day. My favorite parts of this year were being able to share holidays like Halloween and Christmas with my children. I think I love holidays more now than even when I was a kid. It has been such a wonderful year of growth, development, and love. I would not trade it for the world.
I love you bunches!