My girls are getting so big! At about 8 1/2 months (6 1/2 months adjusted) I just want to make a list of what the Buchanan girls are doing:
Both girls are:
* Sitting up in shopping carts, restaurant high chairs, and on the floor to play
* Holding toys in two hands, one hand, and even with the tips of their fingers
* Passing toys from one hand to the other and stealing toys from each other
* Playing in exersaucers, walking in the walker, and bouncing in the doorway jumper
* Taking 2 regular short naps (30 minutes) and 1 long nap (60-90 minutes) each day
* Eating LOTS of baby cereal and pureed peaches, pears, apples, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and banana-cado (bananas mixed with avocado - sounds gross but actually tastes great!)
* Laughing hysterically when tickled in the armpit or neck
Elzi is also:
* Drinking water from a sippy cup if it is tipped up for her
* Holding and playing with her spoon
* Only waking up once a night (3:30 like clockwork)
* Charming everyone with her smile wherever she goes
Lilly is also:
* Slithering around on her belly to get anywhere she wants
* Sitting up from laying down
* Pulling EVERYBODY's hair, including the baby at daycare (who has way more hair than her!)
* Sleeping 12 hours straight at night!!! (since mid-August)
I am such a proud Mama!

Elzi & Lilly's Baptism - 8/16/09