I regret to inform you that my posts will probably be containing some complaints from here on out. I am definitely starting to feel incredibly pregnant these days. I am already outgrowing my maternity clothes that I just bought, and I feel like the babies are trying to outgrow me! My stomach feels very tight and my back hurts when I sit too long. But enough about me...
I went in for my, now weekly, ultrasound on Monday. The babies scored a 6 out of 8, which, according to the doctor, is just about perfect for their age. Both showed a lot of movement, which I am feeling all the time now, and my fluid looked good. There was evidence of occassional breathing, but not sustained breathing. This is apparently one of the criteria they look for and continue to monitor for a full 30 minutes if not present. However, due to the fact that they are only at 24 weeks, 5 days, they are still a little young to be showing evidence of such breathing. So we got a passing score and went on our way.
My weight gain is now up to about 22 pounds. That leaves about 13-18 more to go. I don't know where I am going to put it all!

23 weeks

25 weeks...and counting